Professionalism, precision, punctuality… and a human touch
Submerged as we are in the Technological Revolution, we must continually adapt to the changes that most directly affect us, both personally and professionally. With regard to machine translation, although substantial progress has been made, unimaginable until just a few years ago, the figure of the traditional translator has fortunately remained a necessity.
Technology is facilitating much of our work, but the quality attained from truly understanding how to interpret a text and translate it into another language with all of its inherent nuances, subtleties and flavour, while taking into consideration any cultural and chronological context, and adapting it to a specific audience or age is not as simple as may appear a priori. This in fact requires skill and expertise.
We therefore continue to believe in a profession that is nearly as old as humanity itself and just as necessary in present times as it has been throughout history. And hence the inception of Traduccions Insula.
And why “insula”? And in Latin? Well, first because we thought that Latin was the perfect way to name ourselves while avoiding giving priority to any one specific language or perhaps stepping on any toes; second, because our headquarters are located on an island; and third, because the insula is also part of the brain, our particular work engine; and also because it reminds us of the Isle of Barataria (Insula Barataria, originally) that was awarded to Sancho Panza, the indispensible character from the universal literary work Don Quijote de la Mancha, of which there are virtually as many translations as there are languages in the world.
Our services
Services in sworn translation, both direct and inverse
This type of service is often necessary for official documents that are required by the various authorities.
Find out moreRevision and correction of texts
It is clearly important that we must avoid overlooking any possible spelling or typographical errors.
Find out moreLanguage consulting
It is commonly believed, or at least it should be, that the means are as important as the end. The proper adaptation, cohesion and coherence of any text is vital.
Find out moreConsecutive interpretation, attendance at meetings, accompaniment...
When translation is to be executed orally and in immediate situations in which a group of individuals do not share a common language.
Find out moreText development for websites, blogs…
If you know what you would like to sell, publish, recommend, announce… but putting your ideas in writing isn’t precisely your strong suit, worry not. There is a solution.
Find out moreRates
Our rates depend primarily on whether the translations will be sworn or simple, direct or reverse. In any case, rates are standard and for guidance purposes only. For each specific project, there may be factors that could modify, whether upward or downward, the final price. Please consult our listed rates, although we recommend you request a detailed estimate before making any final decisions. We are happy to provide estimates with no further obligations whatsoever.
In this aspect, you will see that we really are translators with a “human touch”.
You will not regret it!
Our primary project types
Official documents
Certificates and diplomas
Brochures and menus
Books and publications
Assistance for homeowners associations
Audiovisual translation
And much more...